Monday, August 30, 2010

pretty visage floral accessories

new updates were added to the shop, go on over and check them out! i made a new banner, added more product and even posted my newest creation: a pink bib necklace that is completely over the top and loads of fun. i love bib/statement necklaces so i had to take a stab at that. i have been having a lot of fun on etsy. especially in the treasuries. go here to see all the ones i've made. other than that, here are some lovely etsy shops that i know you will love!


  1. Thanks Britt!
    These other shops are way cute. And like I already told you, I'm loving the new look of your shop! The bib necklace is beautiful as well. Love you!
    Oh almost forgot! Prince poppycock is way cool :)

  2. I love your shop. Full of so many cute things! That bib neacklace is awesome too!!
    PS~ are you EVER moving back to utah?

  3. I freakin LOVE the flowers that Chloe got for me that you made! They are so sturdy and gorgeous. And I love that they are magnetic! Keep up the beautiful work Brittany!
