Monday, July 26, 2010


i'm outta town all week but i'm planning to get my etsy up and running when i get back (i know, it's taking me forever!). i wanted to do a little giveaway in celebration of opening up again. this is my little gray trio. i'm excited to start selling my trios, they are cute and versatile. they are also a bit smaller and that's a plus for those who are maybe a bit more afraid to be wearing a flower boutonniere due to the size. for anyone who doesn't know, these are magnets. they protect your clothes from pin holes and the magnets can really go through anything. i have put them everywhere! so feel free to enter! it will be closed on friday night. 

Blogger jenny said...
Soooo cute and love the magnet idea!! Hope I win:)
well... we used the random generator thingy and jenny is the lucky winner! yay! jenny you are so cute, i'm glad you are having a great summer and that you have made some great friends. go ahead and email me your info (my email is in the sidebar) and i will get it sent out to you as soon as possible!


  1. i'm first. ya, suckas.

    pick me. por fa?

  2. So precious!


  3. YAYYYYYY!!!! i have been eyeing your blossoms for forever!!! ;)

  4. I love the trio! You are so dang cute, I can hardly stand it. I'm excited for you to get your shop up. I'm lucky #7 ;)

  5. i would LOVE to win this! :)) and if i don't.. i'll be one of the first buying them from your shop when its up and running!

  6. Ooooh, they are beautiful! I'm so glad you're getting your shop set up :)

  7. I LOVE your flowers! I hope I win!

  8. ooooooooooo. I so want!

    You look ao pretty!

  9. Wow that's so cool that they are magnetic what a clever idea! I'm entering!
    ~This is Cheryl not Tyler btw

  10. oohh i want to enter! So cute :)

  11. love them! you are so creative!

  12. You're so creative! Definitely put me in!!!

  13. I love the 3 smaller flowers, so cute! Count me in!

  14. I love these! I bought a large blue flower from you before and I can't stop using it. These are adorable and would be perfect to make my work clothing extra cute! I am in lovvveeee. :)

  15. Soooo cute and love the magnet idea!! Hope I win:)

  16. Love your work. So excited you will be up and running on etsy soon. Yay!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I have noticed that things that are SUPER cute on models...are not so much on me...esp when the model looks like you!

    haha but these are adorable, I like the "cluster" look a lot! Um I will take them! :)

  19. okay, so I am not trying to cheat-even though I really do want those flowers- but I just saw that awsome quote on your sidebar. So, it's probably been there for 2 years, but it is about the greatest thing I've ever heard. I love it. I don't know where you found it, but it's just another thing that makes me love you even more. that's all.

  20. seriously? could you be any more beautiful?? you are gorgeous britt! and i love the trios! pick me pick me!! i still need to email you back but we don't have internet and i only had time for just a second at work to hop on here real quick! miss you and love you!

  21. I've been a bad little blogger and an even worse commenter!

    Not just commenting to enter the giveaway. Wanted to stop by and say hi. I promise. I'm making my blogging/commenting rounds tonight. :)

    Can I have that shirt?

  22. You are so talented! I love them!!

  23. aaa! so darn cute, brittany! pick me pick me!!! :)

  24. so i really love these...and they're grey, my favorite color. perfect? yes.

  25. this is so adorable! PICK ME! i love them! I miss you brittany. Sounds like you are so happy and in love as always!

  26. Magnets? You are brilliant. And they are beautiful :-) I'd love to win!

  27. I totally agree with Shalynna, I love the flowers and your shirt. So cute.

  28. Ooooo glad I didn't miss this. So cute Britt! And that is the PRETTIEST shirt. Reminds me of a pretty shower curtain anthro has (you may know what I'm talking about?).
    Love the trios!!! And the gray, so so cute. I want it please.

  29. you should create a button for your wardrobe styling and etsy shop. i'd put them on my blog for sure! i would be thrilled to wear one of your trios. i die for them.

  30. oooooooh fun!!
    I want to win:)
