Monday, April 5, 2010


a really old picture.

we had a fabulous and relaxing easter today at my parents. i'm a meat and potatoes kind of girl and my mom makes the best. apparently my youngest brother cameron is pretty cool. for april fools day he told all of his 5th grader friends that he is related to nacho libre (jack black). hilarious. then while driving home, we happened to have grant's easter bunny costume in the car. we were stopped at a stoplight and noticed a big easter egg hunt with little kids running around everywhere. so what did grant do? he put the mask on (which looks exactly like this) and started honking. before we knew it all the mom's were pointing to the easter bunny driving our car! the kids loved it and basically i peed my pants. 

watching conference was great. i try very hard to keep both eyes open. i do okay. dieter f. uchtdorf is my favorite. after it was over we watched a little documentary on truman g. madsen. he is absolutely fascinating to me. i am buying this tomorrow. i am so excited. this is the church i belong to and here is a clip of what i believe.

so april is going to be so busy. i can't believe it. we will only be here for the month and then we are off to albuquerque, new mexico. we are finally getting rid of our apartment which means in the next few weeks i will be getting a very detailed inventory of everything we own. and even though it will be quite the job, i can't wait to just get in there and go through it all. we will be having a yard sale this saturday too. more on that later. i remember doing this post about needing to put everything on ebay or craigslist. which we did, we put a few things up and made some decent mula. but for all the things i didn't get to put on... now we have the yard sale. see i just get really excited for this kind of stuff. earlier tonight we were talking with my dad about people who buy estates and then have the estate sale themselves... amazing. i want that job. i would love that. anyway... check out bijo for another fabulous announcement and have a great week!


  1. i love you guys..seriously.. i wish i could have seen when grant did that..i probably would have peed my pants too! i can't believe you guys are leaving soo soon. i am going to miss you guys so much. it's crazy to think you are gonna be packing up your whole apartment and leaving for good.. :( that makes me so sad. we better hang out lots before you guys leave! and i am so excited that your stuff is in utah county finally! i am so proud of you britt! i am glad you guys had a great easter. i love elder Uchtdorf as well! i am not always the best at keeping my eyes open..but it's the effort that counts..right? anyway, hope you guys are doing awesome! hope to see you soon!!

  2. oh my gosh!!!!!!!!! that is hilarious that grant put on his Easter bunny mask and was honking at the kids! that is so awesome!
    ha ha ah!!!!!!
    conference was so good! on Sunday morning i fell asleep, not sure how that happened...? opps. i didn't see the thing on Truman Madsen. But i did see the special about the people of Cambodia! man! that was good!

    i can't believe you only have one month left! crazy. let me know what i can do to help, seriously!

    i just emailed you :) yay for email.

  3. I am so nosy..are you moving forever or just for summer??

    I'm still gonna buy a flower. Promise. Guess I'll be going to AF soon!

  4. new mexico looks like so fun! that is one state i need to visit!! :) & uchtdorf is the best, i just love that man! the speakers this conference were amazing!!!

  5. ok, so i love that you said "easters" i've been saying "easterS" every chance that i get. i strongly emphazie the "s" at the end. :)

    and i LOVE uchtdorf. he is definitely one of my favorites. he's so dandy.
    love his pearly whites.

    and don't get me started on you guys leaving. my heart is broken. i guess i will just have to make a drive down, eh?

  6. Are you kidding me? Those white teeth are courtesy of I wish I could take credit though...

  7. Your eyes look so pretty in that photo!

    I looooooooove that Grant put the Easter Bunny mask on. He probably saved some of the kids that were on the fence about the reality of the Easter Bunny. Also, when I first read it I thought you were going to say that he put on the costume and ran around the Easter Egg Hunt. THAT would have been funny too.

    I'll be the first person to come to the garage sale. What time does it start? I'll be there an hour earlier. I'm going to buy every single thing you have for sale, starting with that antique hutch/dresser thing you have. :)

  8. So funny! I love it.

    My email is:

  9. first, you guys are such a cute couple! you are definitely going to have some pretty babies someday. :)

    second, i would be peeing my pants too if shane tried to pull off the easter bunny! how fun to do that for some little kids.

    third, are you guys doing summer sales in nm? shane did that when we first got married (we went to memphis with apx) but bless his heart, he just didn't have a knack for it. i thought it was so fun though to live in a different state for a while and hang out with the wives! good luck with packing everything up.

  10. im excited for tomorrow!
    AND i totally copied your "find me here" i just love how simply it is. :)

  11. hahahaha I can totally picture this. And I wish I could have seen it, I probably would have peed my pants with you.
    I feel sad that you're leaving :( I'm glad we got together and made those cute wreaths though and am looking forward to seeing you once more before you move!
    Hope things with your inventory are going well ;)

  12. hahah i love it, happy easter! and so glad to know you are related to jack black!
